Thursday, September 2, 2010

Trickle Down Tax Cut Fairy Tale

I really liked Mark Fiore's new animated political cartoon.  Enjoy!


EvrenSeven said...

The funniest thing about the whole tax cut argument is that all those tea partiers at those rallies are all unemployed, marginally employed, and I highly doubt any of them make a combined $200K a year or whatever the threshold is.

Angel said...

ES, I totally agree. They all must think they are one hair brained scheme or one lottery ticket away from millions. It's the American Dream! They totally buy it!

Anonymous said...

Evren Seven, would you state the source of your information? Where do you get the idea that "all those tea partiers...are all unemployed, marginally employed"?

BL1Y said...

Trickle down makes sense once you get out of the super wealthy with millions in the bank.

But, if you put more money into the pockets of your average big law junior associate, probably 80-90% of that amount will end up getting spent in the normal stream of commerce.

Anonymous said...

This is just anecdotal, of course, but it seems like around here the only cars you see with Tea Party or Fair Tax bumper stickers are old "hoopties" as they say in Detroit and the people driving them all look way poor. I know that is stereotyping but I wonder if these people know the cause they're backing favors the rich and corporations, none of which give a shit if their kids are out on the streets begging bread.

Cryn Johannsen said...

Bahahaha. This was too funny!

Anonymous said...

I wish they would privatize Social Security. It would be nice to keep some of it. There is no such thing as the "trust fund". Social Security taxes were spent, and I won't get any when I retire.

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