Lawyers aren't the only people having trouble dealing with Education Overproduction. Even PhD. scientists (gasp!) of all people are having difficulty on the job market. I have a Masters degree in one of the physical sciences, so I have been aware of this problem for over a decade, and last night I stumbled across the remains of a blog dedicated to science graduate school scambusting. I haven't spent much time looking it over yet, but it's not hard to get the gist of it. So, I thought I would post a link to it here:
Science Ph.D. Job Issues Blog
Also, check out this NPR Science Friday discussion about the problem:
Young Scientists Issues (1996)--At least listen to the ten minutes to hear a funny skit and a list of 5 things unemployed PhD.'s (and JD.'s) do not need to hear..
Granted, science PhD.'s don't have the kinds of student loan problems that lawyers and liberal arts PhD.'s suffer under, but they have still invested years of their lives to train for a glutted field and they may have undergraduate student loans that compounded interest while they were in graduate school. Since it takes 5-7 years to earn a PhD., they have higher opportunity costs than law students. That number increases if you add on time served in postdocs or include half of the years (2) spent majoring in science as undergraduates. Normally, science graduate students do not pay any tuition and receive small stipends (think $15,000/year, often without any insurance). The rationale behind the stipends is that they work as teaching assistants and research assistants, often for 65+ hours/week. It really isn't a bad way to earn a PhD., and these degrees are not as useless as Art History or Philosophy PhD.'s, but these are bright people who might have been better served if they had gone into other fields where they could have found work with their Bachelors degrees (engineering, computer science, accounting, or business) or just headed Med.
After they finish their PhD.'s most end up working low-paid 2-3 year gypsy scientist positions called postdoctorates in the hopes of being able to eventually land an assistant professor position (good luck with that). After two or three postdocs, most wash out of science, the best years of their lives having been wasted.
Science research at the universities is essentially structured as a pyramid scheme, with deans and professors needing a horde of graduate students to teach the undergraduates (laboratory TAs, review classes, etc.) and most importantly, to do the repetitive grunt work that is science research. The institutions have no concern for whether or not our nation needs more PhD. scientists nor whether they will find real, solid middle class employment in their fields. Also, since they cannot feed enough Americans to the machine, they import thousands of foreign graduate students who later compete for postdocs and academic and industry jobs with the Americans. (The foreign grad students are good, hard-working, often very bright, rather likable people, and I have nothing against them personally, but this discussion and this blog is about what is in the economic interests of Americans, not whether or not people in other countries are good people or worthy of our jobs.)
The end result is that we are producing a large oversupply of frustrated and disenchanted science PhD.'s. But how will science research get done without the grad students? Some people have proposed that we train fewer people and create permanent research positions for PhD.'s at $50-60,000/year. They would probably be just as cost-effective if not more so than the graduate students because they are already trained and productive, just as postdocs are more efficient and productive than grad students.
Before you conclude that science professors are necessarily in on this and that they are doing well, unlike law professors, they suffer from the risk of losing their research grants and their jobs, and tenure is being eroded. (You might say that the "scientists career half-life is low.) I don't think they are paid nearly as well as law professors either. If you are an assistant professor you will have to work your ass off to make sure that your lab's research is productive and you will always be writing grant proposals, seeking extremely competitive grants.
Unsurprisingly, many of these unemployed, underemployed, angry, and disenchanted scientists have fled the science field to come to law school in the hopes of becoming well-to-do intellectual property lawyers. So now we have an oversupply of people with a combination of advanced science degrees and law degrees! That something like that is possible, that people who are so well-trained, well-educated, and skilled could have difficulty finding a job commensurate with their credentials is unfathomable to most Americans.
To an extent, I am also a science career scambuster, too. Of course, I am interested in the problem of our nation's Education Arms Race in general as well as other economic and societal issues.